Monday, September 18, 2006

New Team TV Shop for Merchandise Open

As of Saturday 16th September, the first of the two Team TV online shops is now open for business. This shop is for Team TV merchandise - items of clothing, hats, bags, novelty items and so forth that we have designed both for crew to wear as publicity on our shoots, but also for those out there who have liked the group and/or our films, or even just want to show support for us. Click here to visit the new shop.

As the shopfront says (and as the general money-credo of Team TV) all of the profits made from merchandise and our productions goes back into the Team coffers for use producing further projects.

The products generally feature the Tem TV logo and sometimes jokes and quotes from our time making movies.

Sign up for our shop newsletter here and be apprised of new products as they are added to the shop - more are coming soon!

Show your support for Team TV and purchase some merchandise!

(We intend to have a shop selling our films online and running as soon as possible.)

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Interrogation Scene, Progress

Hello to all, and we hope that now the schools are back and the world seems a little busier again, everyone is finding the time to enjoy themselves. and not get over-stressed.

Last wednesday we shot an addition to our online showreel, an interrogation scene based on the shots from the cop show opening.

Also the edit on "Flying Apart" is progressing and is into the final stages of post-production - the grading.

Check out more on the Team TV homepage -